One stunt woman turned actress named (Faith Minton) is a remember able looking sort, tall, leggy, and a face to match any fantasy, plays the dragon lady who is smitten by the Sheriff who forces her way into hitching a ride with the Sheriff.i don't know why the sheriff is running away from her as she is more of an eye full better than bandits colleen camp seat cover. In Smokey and the bandit part 3 the woeful actress if that named (Colleen Camp), who teams up with Jerry Reed as bandit throughout the film wears a bad wig, bad dress sense, and really cannot act, she can be noticed really trying to put on fake laughs throughout this film, and her whining voice, i mean i always remembered the true Burt Reynolds bandit with the hottest girls ever, you can't tell me there was no other better looking women hanging around the Universal back lot that could of been used instead,or where they all taken up and sent over for filming "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas", i was wondering when she would be thrown out of the car, Jerry reed getting all excited parading around as bandit with that car and hat and he reels in Colleen Camp?.Getting Desperate in his old age, and Jerry Reeds Character (snowman) is married with Children, and Fred the dog, so whats he doing ? and why with Colleen Camp for heavens sake? Im Sorry but every film (Colleen Camp) has been in she plays the same obnoxious, in your face, character resembling a caffeine addict, or suffering some sort of withdrawal symptoms in the attitude and whinny voice she has in her acting desperately in need of a fix.

I would have thought "The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo" would have made a better film, with Claude Atkins, Jackie Gleason, Bj and Bandit joining forces. This seemed to diminish and the character changed somewhat, venturing into strip clubs, nudist colonies, Fetish motels, very unnecessary. The Main thought that stuck in my mind with Sheriffs Character from the previous Films was that he was from the old school of law enforcement, stood tall and proud and took no crap from any foe, and was always entertaining watching his confrontations with others during the earlier films Smokey 1 and 2. By Joe Simiana Sydney Australia I was disappointed that Universal did not wait for Burt To Finish making "Best little whorehouse in Texas" instead they went on ahead anyway and made this flick, they only had to wait 10 months, i hated that darn fish on the roof of the sheriffs car all the way through, sort of took away the authority and stature of Sheriff Buford T Justice.